Photo by Shannon Lough
1. Ashley Quilt has served Yunesit’in Government as the Housing Manager for 1 year. Her role has served in continuing a connection with the Tsilhqot’in Nation Housing Authority, overseeing New Housing and Renovations and following the Yunesit’in Housing Policy.
2. Russell Myers Ross is serving in an advisory capacity to assist the Housing Manager and Yunesit’in Council. Much of the work is focused on maintaining the Housing Strategic Plan and Housing Policy, fostering partnerships, and implementing planning activities.
3. The Housing Committee is an elected group with a Terms of Reference to provide an Advisory role to the Yunesit’in Council and provide recommendations regarding the New Housing Applications and Renovations process. The Housing Committee includes: Beverly Quilt, Rebecca Billyboy, Joanna Haines, Agnes Haller and Dorothy Myers.
4. Ecotrust Canada Indigenous Homelands Initiative has worked with Yunesit’in Government on Forestry Analysis, developing the Yunesit’in Forest to Frame concept, and framing the Housing Strategic Plan for Yunesit’in. The consulting group is now assisting Yunesit’in Government with implementing the Housing Strategic Plan by focusing on (a) Housing Design and Construction Plan, (b) Monitoring and Evaluation, (c) Critical Infrastructure Assessment, (d) Strategic Vision Alignment, (e) Housing Ecosystem Coordination, and (f) Capacity Building.
See the Yunesit’in Project Monitoring & Evaluation Tool, which was developed to guide projects based on the community values:
5. Since the Federal Government granted the Tsilhqot’in National Government $21.5 million in 2018, the distribution has finally been decided by nation leadership this spring. Yunesit’in Government has been granted $1.6 million for New Housing and $700,000 for Renovations. The Tsilhqot’in Nation Housing Authority has built a process whereby community require submitting a Project Plan before funding is released. Yunesit’in Government intends to use the New Housing Application and Renovations process outlined in the Yunesit’in Housing Policy to determine the distribution of these funds.
6. The New Housing Applications have been processed for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The applicants are ranked based on scoring outlined in the Yunesit’in Housing Policy and a Priority List is developed. The Priority List is recommended by the Housing Committee and is approved by the Yunesit’in Council. The Housing Manager then works with the individuals to work through financial considerations, type of ownership, design and other expectations.
7. The Renovations process has yet to be developed for implementation but will be based on the guide and ranking system in the Yunesit’in Housing Policy. The Housing Committee will review candidates through a merit based system. Renovations thus far have been granted based on critical needs and Yunesit’in is just about to finish a CMHC grant to improve three homes and three other homes are slated for repair.
8. TNG Nation Housing Planning: Ecotrust Canada Indigenous Homelands Initiative is working on a Nation Housing Strategies based on the original work started by the Tsilhqot’in Solutions Lab, which was conducted with all communities. This is meant to help all communities get on the same page in terms of their collective vision, work towards better communication, and provide a path for further planning efforts, such as the 10 Year Implementation Plan. While the $21.5 million provided by the Federal government provides an investment, the Tsilhqot’in Nation will need to work together to secure stable funding for years to come to address the housing crisis.