Economic Initiatives

Yunesit’in Government is actively involved in building a sustainable community.


Yunesit’in Leading Edge, located in Horsefly, is a value-added milling facility which can produce timber for homes and custom products; the three-month pilot was extended to determine the potential and feasibility. A Business Plan was developed, along with other due diligence in the lead up to purchase and Yunesit’in Leading Edge now owns it as of August 2020.


Yunesit’in Greenworks is structured under the Limited Partnership. The facility was built in the autumn of 2017. The general purpose is meant to produce primarily vegetables but the scope is open to all mixed-farming activities. The three 90X40 Greenhouses, located at Yunesit’in, is a multi-crop facility capable of producing lettuce, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. The boiler and backup propane heating system allows the vegetables to grow year-round. Yunesit’in Greenworks is gearing up for full production for 2020.


Yunesit’in Forest to Frame began in 2016 as a collaborative project with Tolko participating in the Indigenous Forestry Initiative (Natural Resources Canada) to develop a Business Plan. Ecotrust Canada took the role of coordinating and developing the Business Plan for value added products. The intent is to selectively harvest oversize fir and develop marketable products, primarily as homes and construction within Yunesit’in. To date, a woodmizer (portable mill) is purchased, trainees are harnessing their skills as sawyers, and momentum is taking place to develop houses utilizing local resources and labour.

Ecotrust Canada Partner

Projects Ongoing:
Deer Creek Ranch: An offer has been established and due diligence is being conducted to assess the Feasibility of purchasing and operating Deer Creek Ranch. Vision Quest is reviewing revenue streams, including activities such as cattle, hay, beef jerky, mixed farming and cannabis.

Yunesit’in Gas Bar & Convenience Store: A Feasibility Study and Business Plan is completed by Vision Quest. The project is ready to seek financing, however, there is an intention of completing the designation process first with Indigenous Services Canada before proceeding to construction of the facility.

Yunesit’in Development Enterprise (YDE): YDE carries out many economic activities, including local contracts. Activities in generating local wealth include:

Fire Crew
YDE trains firefighters every spring and organizes several 5-man packs. In the recent 2017 wildfires, YDE had 4 5-man packs firefighting for the majority of the summer. Additional crews were assembled under the Ministry for mop up activities.

YDE is equipped to perform fencing contracts. The YDE crew has over 3 years experience within the Chilcotin.

YDE is experienced in conducting silviculture activities to improve forest health.

Forest Harvesting
YDE possesses two operational skidders and utilizes them in small-scale harvest opportunities close to the community.

Elhdaqox Developments Ltd. was developed as an entity after the 2017 Wildfires. Yunesit’in owns 37.5% whereas Tl’esqox and Celtic Engineering form ownership of the entire company. Thus far, most of the work involves surveying, restoration, tree planting, mechanical site preparation, small scale salvage, carbon based work, and civil engineering.