The nomination process for this election begins on June 29th
and concludes at 4:00 pm on July 29th.

This election will be to choose two people for a four-term on the Committee. At the election in 2018, there were 5 people elected. In order to stagger future elections, the 3 people with the most voters were appointed to a four-year term to end in 2022 and the two people with the least votes, were appointed to a two-year term to end this year. As is the case with the Council election, this one will also be rescheduled to Wednesday, September 9th and will also be held at the Yunesit’in Health Centre from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Any Band member 18 years of age or older may nominate candidates by filling out the nomination form. A member may nominate not more than 2 candidates. Voting members who live in the community can pick up the nomination forms at the office. Those who live outside the community, who have provided a recent address, will receive the forms by mail.

A nomination requires 3 supporters and the acceptance of the nominee. Failure to comply with all the rules and regulations, will void the nomination.

The nomination form with the names, telephone numbers and signatures of supporters, along with the candidate’s completed declaration form must be received at the Band office or at Box 158, Hanceville, BC V0L 1K0 no later than Wednesday, July 29th at 4:00 pm.

All candidates must be a member of the Yunesit’in Government; be at least 18 years old; be in good financial standing with the Government and Housing Department; and agree to follow the Housing Department’s terms of reference and policies –
both which are available at the Band office.

The list of all candidates nominated will be posted at the office on July 31st, and a copy of the voter list, the committee terms of reference and the housing policy will be available there. Please be advised that any elector may vote by mail-in ballot.

ANY QUESTIONS? Just contact the Electoral Officer, Blair MacKenzie in Victoria at 250-480-1433 or email: or call Rhoda Petal at the office 250-394-4041. Website:

Housing Nomination 2020

If you wish to have your name and address released to any candidate for the purpose of receiving campaign literature, please inform Rhoda at the office.

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